The hamsters were all fairly well behaved for this little photo shoot. They all seemed interested in sniffing the gourds more than they had for the pumpkins, which meant I was able to get better pictures since they weren't trying to run away. :)
Nenya is seriously the loudest, most demanding little ham I have ever had. She LOVES any attention she can get, even if it comes from our cat, Kira. Nenya doesn't seem to understand that Kira is so attentive because she would gladly eat her if given the chance (which will never happen because Kira gets locked up whenever the hamsters are out of their tubs). During the day, while the hamsters mostly sleep and just come out of their nests a couple times for some water, Kira likes to sleep on top of the two tubs she can reach so that she never misses a chance to see them (one of these is Nenya's tub). However, Nenya has learned that Kira is basically always watching, and so when Nenya wakes up for a drink, she also tends to go to the front of the cage where she and Kira sniff noses through the mesh wire. They have a very strange relationship. Haha!

Narya is the most private hamster of the three I have. She is so quiet whenever she is out of her nest, so I am often unaware of when she is awake. She lives in an aquarium that Kira can't get near, and I think Narya is quite happy about that. Narya is also the only hamster I have that makes tunnels through her bedding to get around "underground" instead of walking on top like the other two do.
Vilya seems happiest when he is left to just go about his own business. He definitely likes being held and out of the tub he lives in so that he can explore, but he is also quite content to rummage around his home without being bothered by anyone, especially the cat. I think he is smart enough to realize that Kira is not his friend. So unlike Nenya, Vilya ignores Kira when she is watching him.