Tarcil's eBooks!

Tarcil's eBooks on Amazon!
Tarcil's first eBook is available to purchase by going to: Tales of Tarcil: Costume Edition.
Tarcil's second eBook is available to purchase by going to: Tales of Tarcil: Costume Edition 2.
Tarcil's third eBook is available to purchase by going to: Tales of Tarcil: Tarcil & Penny.
Tarcil's final eBook is now available to purchase by going to: Tales of Tarcil: Costume Edition 3.
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Monday, September 22, 2014

Getting to know my hamster

Today has been a long day and I wasn't able to be home as much as I would have liked.  This Sunday morning was earlier than usual.  I checked on my hamster as soon as I got out of bed, but he was sleeping.  I could see he had eaten all his food and his cage was showing signs that he had been very active during the night.  I had to get ready to go, so I didn't stay with my hamster long.

My husband and I were helping move sound equipment from our church to a pavilion in a park down the street where our church service was held this morning.  I personally made three trips back to the church for items that had been left behind, forgotten, or needed in some capacity.  The set up went fairly well and I was able to sit down and eat an apple I brought for my breakfast.  Before long, some more people began to arrive.  I went with one of the youth group girls to the play ground next to the pavilion.  We swung on the swing set and climbed up the monkey bars.  We sat at the top for a while and talked.  I told her I bought a hamster and she said he sounded cute.  There was a surge of new people arriving for church so we got down and went back to the pavilion.

The service was nice and short.  The weather was perfect except for some strong gusts of wind that occasionally blew papers and other items around.  I had to help tape a mike stand during the service that wasn't staying in position, and I grabbed some sheet music that was blowing away.  We had boxed lunches catered in after the service was over.  My husband and I helped tear down all the sound equipment and returned it to the church.

During the afternoon, I decided to wake up my hamster to watch him and play with him for a bit.  He was sleepy at first but then got up and moved around.  I pet him and let him sniff my fingers and hand.  I also gave him fresh food and water.  He stuffed his face with food while I pet his fuzzy back.  When he was done eating and drinking and had filled his pouches, he went back to his bed.  I was so glad that I could spend time with him!  I really want to name him but I can't come up with a name that I like.  My husband and I discussed this some today, but we didn't decide on anything.

We help out with the youth group at our church so we left to go back there.  At youth group, I told more of the kids that I bought a new hamster.  I felt bad that I didn't have a name to give them when they asked.  Someone suggested Tarzan, but I don't really like that.  So, for now, he is still nameless.  I have decided that I will come up with a list of names for him tomorrow and hopefully I can find one that I like.  I think this is difficult for me because I want to find a name that is absolutely perfect for him in the way that Tauriel was perfect for the first hamster I had.  I take names very seriously.  :)  Check back tomorrow and hopefully I will have a name to tell you!

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