These are more of the pictures I took back in August. I wasn't sure I would still post them, but I actually don't have any newer pictures of the hamsters, so I figured I may as well get these out there. Fili is amazingly still alive and well! He's now 2 years and 8 months old which is pretty much ancient at this point. He's a wobbly old ham, but he sure does love running on his wheel, and often wakes up multiple times even during the day to go for a run. This does mean he distracts me quite a lot when I'm trying to work. Hahaha!

For the last month or so, I really wanted to upgrade my hamster enclosures for hopefully the last time. I wanted something bigger than the 130L Samla bins I had, something that would be both hamster proof and cat proof, and I wanted two enclosures so I could always have two hamsters. (Let's be real, I'm never gonna get back under that 3 pet limit Joe tried to enforce. Hahahaha!) I looked at so many options, sketched out numerous designs, and spent hours pricing materials. The biggest factor was always figuring out a layout in our office that could work to accommodate 2 bigger hamster enclosures with all the other stuff that needed to stay to keep the office functional as my work place. In the end, Joe figured out a layout for the office that is perfect, and I decided to go with a couple 40 gallon aquariums from Petco which I got for 50% off during their sale. We have had the new aquariums and setup for a couple of weeks now, and I LOVE the way our office looks now! It feels so much more spacious and classy. I also LOVE being able to see (and photograph!) the hamsters through the glass instead of the semi-translucent plastic. It allows me to see into their personal lives a bit better which is so cool!
I did decide that with Fili's age and the fact that he is a dwarf hamster, he truly did not need more space and would be much more comfortable living out the rest of his days in his bin instead of being moved into one of the new aquariums. So for now we do have his bin just chilling on the floor. I also already have a new occupant in the other aquarium. 😁 I hope to do a proper introduction next week! 👀
Haleth was very quickly promoted from a bin to an aquarium. Female Syrian hamsters are notorious for never being pleased no matter how gigantic their enclosure is. So I knew she'd gladly accept more space, even though she is also getting quite old. She definitely LOVES her new home! She is still quite shy, but I don't think she feels too exposed behind the glass as she now has even more places to hide if she gets spooked. She also hasn't gotten sassy with me when cleaning her aquarium the way she sometimes would when I'd clean her bin, so I call that a win. I love my little sweet potato and am glad she can live in such luxury. Hahahaha!