I'm loving this warmer weather! I've already mowed the yard and gone to the zoo a couple of times in the last couple of weeks. I still have quite a bit of yard work to do, but I'll get it done eventually. 😊 I used to struggle a lot with not wanting to start anything unless I knew I could complete the project all at once. But in the last couple years, I've shifted my mindset to focus on slow and steady work which sometimes means a single project takes months to complete, instead of a day. I don't let myself get frustrated by this like I used to. Instead, I admire the baby steps that get me to a finished task. Getting our yard to look the way I want is a perfect example of this. I don't have the time or resources to do everything all at once so instead of not doing it at all, I started the work, and let myself be proud of each baby step of progress made towards the goal. So when I say I'll get the rest of the yard work done eventually, I really do mean eventually. 😄
Fili isn't very cuddly, but he always wants to be held. He's really quite sweet, even when he glares at me for smushing his face with kisses. 😂
Kili has become quite the recluse. I have no idea when he wakes up to start his day, but it is definitely well after we go to bed. He's so sweet though and definitely still my round boi. 😅
So it was probably almost a month ago that I took those pictures of Fili and Kili in this box from my neighbor who thought it would make a cute backdrop (she was definitely right by the way!). I knew I wanted pictures of Haleth in it too, but because she wasn't very tame at the time, I had to wait and hold onto the box. Last week I finally felt comfortable enough to get some real pictures of Haleth that aren't of her in my hand or in her bin. She did well!