Tarcil's eBooks!

Tarcil's eBooks on Amazon!
Tarcil's first eBook is available to purchase by going to: Tales of Tarcil: Costume Edition.
Tarcil's second eBook is available to purchase by going to: Tales of Tarcil: Costume Edition 2.
Tarcil's third eBook is available to purchase by going to: Tales of Tarcil: Tarcil & Penny.
Tarcil's final eBook is now available to purchase by going to: Tales of Tarcil: Costume Edition 3.
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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Cat Carrier

The weeks seem to be flying by.  Joe and I are in the midst of house updates.  We've put some big projects off for a couple of years to give us more time to make decisions on what we wanted to do and to save up money to cover the costs.  Now we finally have these projects scheduled, so we've been doing some other smaller upgrades in the meantime while we wait for the hired work to be done.  We also are starting to get some quotes for future projects to have an idea of how much we need to save for those.  It's been a bit hectic because it is just so much work and things not going quite according to plan, but I really love our house so much and am so grateful we can get this work done!  I can't wait for these projects to be done so we can actually enjoy our hard work!

I had the cat carriers out a couple months ago in preparation for taking the kitties to the vet, and I thought the hamsters could explore this one.  Glorfindel is just the sweetest little guy.  He does seem to be acting more his age which is about 1 year and 8 months old.  It makes me sad that he's getting old.  His fur is a bit lighter now than it was when these pictures were taken which definitely makes me realize he's aging.  

Míriel is utterly insane.  Haha!  I love her but she has such a big personality and is always looking to escape.  She still tries to defend her home when I'm cleaning (in other words, she tries to grab my fingers to bite them 😅), but now that she has discovered she can climb out when I am cleaning since the top is open, she gets distracted trying to do that over and over again.  

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