Spring Break was a lot of ups and downs for us with Joe spending so much time at church working. But the network project is done now which is a huge! I had time while waiting for Joe at church in which I completed this pretty embroidery piece I got from https://little-dear.com/. I also snagged a couple Thai Constellations from Kroger for me and my friend. And of course the best part was meeting up with some of my family and our friends in Rockford, OH at New Horizons Community Church to get 3 1/2 minutes of totality during the Solar Eclipse. All in all, not too bad for Spring Break. 😊
Glorfindel is so stinking sweet, and I love taking pictures of him. He's such a happy old ham. 💓
Míriel is getting a bit calmer, but is still pretty crazy. I don't fully trust her yet to not bite my fingers when I'm holding her, so I don't hold her too long and mostly use a cuddle sack to transport her and carry her around. She getting more and more accepting of pets and doesn't run away from me when she sees or hears me. I think she'll turn into a sweetheart soon enough. Especially when treats are offered. Haha!