Tarcil's eBooks!

Tarcil's eBooks on Amazon!
Tarcil's first eBook is available to purchase by going to: Tales of Tarcil: Costume Edition.
Tarcil's second eBook is available to purchase by going to: Tales of Tarcil: Costume Edition 2.
Tarcil's third eBook is available to purchase by going to: Tales of Tarcil: Tarcil & Penny.
Tarcil's final eBook is now available to purchase by going to: Tales of Tarcil: Costume Edition 3.
Thanks for your support! Enjoy!! :)

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Tigger Too

I have a propensity for over evaluating everything to make sure I'm doing it to the best of my ability and/or in the wisest way possible.  Unfortunately, I also struggle with making decisions so sometimes I get trapped in a cycle of evaluating and considering decisions without actually doing the thing.  😅  I feel like this is already describing my day today.  I have a lot I'd like to do so I find myself trying to evaluate the best order to do everything in and figure out the priority of the things I'd like to do so I can hopefully get it all done or at least get the highest priority things done, but I feel like I'm actually just wasting time evaluating things when I could stop overthinking and just do things.  So here I am writing a blog post.  I could (or even should) be doing other things.  But I've recently been reminded of how much I love sharing my cute hamsters with you all.  Social Media can be such a dark place to be, so I hope that my silly pictures can brighten someone's day.  😊

I think these pictures of Glorfindel cuddling under a blanket with Tigger feels appropriate for the cold we've had the last couple of days.  I know it isn't spring yet, but I am looking forward to the warmer days we have predicted for this weekend.  Glorfindel is such a great little model for me.  If I have an idea for a picture, I can always count on him to get it right.  He's just the best!  💙

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

RIP Olórin

Yesterday I found Olórin curled up in his nest in his forever sleep.  He seemed so old last week as he slowly meandered around while I cleaned his aquarium.  He sometimes would squeak at me while I cleaned to tell me how annoyed he was to be disturbed, but he was very kind and never bit me.  I noticed before I went in to clean yesterday that he hadn't touched his food, so I suspected his time had come.  He looked so incredible peaceful.  💙

I adopted Olórin from The Pipsqueakery in August of last year.  I met a Pipsqueakery volunteer who lives in Indy who went there to pick a hamster out for me so I wouldn't have to drive as far.  It was fun getting a mystery hamster!  I was told when I got him that he was already around a year old and from the beginning I could tell he was likely past the prime of his life.  He was such a quiet ham who didn't like to be seen.  Since I didn't see him much, I didn't interact with him much, so I never got to bond with him the way I have with my previous hamsters.  He tolerated me getting him out for pictures because I provided treats, but he seemed to prefer to just be left alone.  The first two pictures were taken shortly after I brought him home.  The rest were taken just three weeks ago.  I'm used to having hamsters for much longer than 6 months and while I hoped for more time with him, he was already older when I got him so I tried to spoil him from the beginning.  Despite the fact that he was a grumpy old ham, he was always so sweet to me and I will miss him. 💙

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Cat Bed

I'm already missing the warmth and sunshine we had yesterday.  But I'm trying to use the gloom today to motivate me to just focus on my to do list and get a lot of things marked off.  I'll admit I'm getting distracted by the birds outside.  They are trying to eat from our window feeder while Arien crouches on the desk next to me waiting for them to land so she can pop up and pounce against the window, making them fly away.  No amount of scolding Arien seems to make a difference.

Glorfindel is doing well and is such a precious little guy!  I often catch him awake in the mornings when I get up.  He's also occasionally awake before I go to bed.  It's been so nice seeing him more and more.  He definitely knows that I am the giver of treats and stands on his hind legs to reach as far up the sides of the aquarium as he can when he hears me.  It's utterly adorable.  💗

Olórin is my ghost ham.  I don't know exactly how old he is, and my estimate is that he's actually about the same age as Glorfindel which is about 1 year and 5 months old.  However, while Glorfindel doesn't seem to be slowing down at all, on the rare times that I do see Olórin, he's acting more and more like an old guy just puttering around.  I don't know if he's actually much older than Glorfindel or if his genetics are just way worse.  I suspect that Olórin won't have a long lifespan like I've had with most of my other hams.  But he is getting spoiled.  And even if he doesn't recognize that I'm the one spoiling him, I still love him.  😊