Tarcil's eBooks!

Tarcil's eBooks on Amazon!
Tarcil's first eBook is available to purchase by going to: Tales of Tarcil: Costume Edition.
Tarcil's second eBook is available to purchase by going to: Tales of Tarcil: Costume Edition 2.
Tarcil's third eBook is available to purchase by going to: Tales of Tarcil: Tarcil & Penny.
Tarcil's final eBook is now available to purchase by going to: Tales of Tarcil: Costume Edition 3.
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Thursday, August 10, 2023

New Neighbor Coming

I've been struggling with a lot recently.  Some is just little annoying stuff like my eye twitching for like a month (I've seriously lost track how many weeks it's been happening) and some is bigger things like work related stress, missing my friends, and definitely not getting enough sleep (which might have something to do with why my eye won't stop twitching...).  I'm going on day 3 now of a headache that I've given up trying to treat because I'm tired of trying to remember what medicine I've taken when and at least for now it hasn't turned into a migraine so I can just deal with it.  I also miss Joe and am worried about him now that he's back at work and dealing with so much.  I knew I would feel like this when school started again and have been really wanting another hamster to help take my mind off of missing Joe.  So naturally I reached out to The Pipsqueakery since there haven't been any hamsters at the Fort Wayne ACC.  

In the midst of a hectic day yesterday, I learned that a lady I'd been emailing from The Pipsqueakery would be able to get a hamster for me from Bloomington to her house in Indy late the next day (which is now today).  Unfortunately I can't fit in a trip to Indy tomorrow to go get the hamster from her, but Saturday morning Joe and I will be going together, which is even better!  I have no idea what hamster I'm getting and that actually has made this whole thing even more exciting for me.  I told them I'd prefer one that doesn't look like Glorfindel, but that I'm not picky and will take whatever they wanna give me.  I suspect there is still a chance that the mystery hamster I get will be related to Glorfindel and maybe even be identical to him.  You see, Glorfindel found his way to The Pipsqueakery along with 97 other hamsters in a large intake suitable named the Panic at the Pet Store hamsters.  When I went in October 2022 to pick out my then little baby Glorfindel, he was in a bin of like 10 other babies that all looked exactly the same.  😅  Also their recent posts are pictures of hamsters that look just like Glorfindel, so I suspect they have a remanent of hamsters from that intake that haven't been adopted yet.  But I truly don't care what my mystery ham looks like.  I'm just so excited for another ham!  😊

I told Glorfindel today that he's gonna have a new neighbor moving in to the aquarium next to his on Saturday.  I don't think he cared what I was saying because he was just happy to get a nice treat to stick in his pouch for later.  Haha! 

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