Tarcil's eBooks!

Tarcil's eBooks on Amazon!
Tarcil's first eBook is available to purchase by going to: Tales of Tarcil: Costume Edition.
Tarcil's second eBook is available to purchase by going to: Tales of Tarcil: Costume Edition 2.
Tarcil's third eBook is available to purchase by going to: Tales of Tarcil: Tarcil & Penny.
Tarcil's final eBook is now available to purchase by going to: Tales of Tarcil: Costume Edition 3.
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Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Board Game Table with Cup Holders

There is actually more to the awesome story of our new dining room furniture that I didn't share last week.  But first a bit of history.  After Joe and I got married, while he was still finishing up his degree and working at IPFW, he became interested in joining a D&D group that met weekly.  Being newlyweds, I wanted to spend as much time as I could with Joe, even though I had no intention of joining the group, so I told Joe to offer for us to host the group at our house.  At first my involvement was just providing snacks (we went through a lot of chips and salsa 😅) and baking treats (they were my gracious guinea pigs as I developed my skills as a baker 😁).  

Over the years, as life progressed and members of the group moved away or got too busy, the D&D sessions stopped, but our weekly get togethers continued with a smaller, core group of friends.  By the time Joe and I bought a house and moved, these weekly get togethers had turned into eating dinner together, playing board games, eating lots of desserts, watching movies, playing games on the Nintendo Switch, or just hanging out.  We do still occasionally have bigger parties and hangout with the others from the original group that still live in town.  It has been so awesome being a part of this group whose original goal was just to play D&D, but over time became friends who do life together.  We've been a part of weddings and helped with many moves.  We've watched the group grow as children were born and new relationships formed.  It's been such a joy and a blessing to us.

Anyways, some of our closest friends bought a house this past summer.  Through the days of painting, moving, and ripping out their kitchen, we've been able to help them plan for upcoming projects, remember some of Joe and my personal horrors as well as joys of being homeowners, and dream about future goals for our homes.  One day as we all sat around our dining room table talking about life, they asked when we were going to get a board game table and chairs.  We told them we had decided to wait, and when they offered to pay for the table, we declined and said we'd get one eventually.  This went on for at least another week.  It was during this time that I became aware of Wayfair's open box chairs for super cheap.  Joe and I decided the chairs were too good of a deal to pass up, so when 4 open boxes became available, we bought them up as fast as we could!  We decided to reconsider our plan on waiting to get a board game table as we felt that we probably could go ahead with it, especially if we could sell the table we had for a few hundred.  But the next day when our friends were over and we told them we snatched up a great deal on new chairs, they again said they would buy the board game table for us, and we finally agreed.  

The timing of making the arrangements to get rid of the old stuff to various people, the delivery of the new stuff on two different days, and then assembling the new stuff when it came happened so fast and yet was literally so smooth and fit perfectly in our busy schedule, which was such a blessing to me as I can't handle mess and extra clutter in my house.  😂  We absolutely LOVE all of our new furniture and feel so blessed to be able to share our home and our lives with such wonderful friends.  💗

Again, these pictures are a month old, but I just had to share how cute the hams look trying out the cup holders we got to go with the board game table.  Fili is still doing well.  I've been seeing more of him this past week, especially as he runs on his wheel.  He definitely doesn't run nearly as fast as he used to, and he doesn't stay running for long before he stops to take a break, but I think he still gets his steps in each day.  Hahaha!  

I love how perfectly Haleth fits in the cup holder!  She was being soooo cute as she looked around.  I couldn't decide which picture I liked the best so you get a bunch even though they are so similar.  Haha!


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