The weeks seem to be flying by! We've made some exciting progress in regards to our kitchen/dining room remodel, but so far it's just in purchases, not actual work. It looks like Joe may be back in school before all the work is actually completed, but that is fine. I have definitely been struggling a bit to keep a good routine/schedule going to keep up with all the extra work I'd like to do. The "to do" list seems to keep growing, but I haven't really felt too overwhelmed yet. I know I'll get it all done eventually. And if not, it must not have been too important, amirite?! 😅 But seriously, I am feeling so blessed that I can ease up a bit on work and lists to instead cherish this extra time with Joe.
Fili definitely loves walnuts more than anything else. A good walnut always makes him stop and eat. 😊

Kili pouched his walnut instead of eating it which really surprised me. I guess he was worried that I would take it away from him. 😂
I did a really thoroughly cleaning of Haleth's bin yesterday and removed probably 75% of her old bedding for fresh bedding. I don't do that often because it's stressful to hamsters so instead, each week I normally just throw out the messiest bedding and all the sand and replace both with fresh stuff. Anyways, she didn't seem as upset as I thought she would be, and I picked her up and held her a lot during the process. I think she's finally really comfortable enough to handle new situations and changes well without freaking out, so that's nice. 😊