For the last couple weeks, I've been taking advantage of the cooler weather and lack of bugs to get a whole lot of yard work done! I found myself really enjoying the work, even though it is pretty hard at times. I'm pretty sure my level of enjoyment is a direct correlation to the amount of money I spent on plants and supplies. The fact that Lowes is like 3 minutes away definitely helps too. 😁 Joe and I never necessarily neglected our yard before, but we certainly did the bare minimum and didn't spend money on it since we were so focused on fixing up the inside and taking care of the water problems in the basement. But this year, we decided to put some real effort and money into the yard, and it's already looking so much better! With some landscaping fabric, mulch, and edging, I'm hoping that pulling weeds will be a thing of the past. There is still a lot of work to do though, and so far, I've mostly only focused on the backyard. I could say more, but I'm actually getting ready to head out and work for a while before it gets too hot.
Fili always seems so excited to see me but then acts like he doesn't want to be picked up once I reach for him. He's a silly boy! 😊
I've been catching Kili awake in the mornings and during the day more again. He still isn't awake at night though, so he hasn't been getting as many cuddles, but he's doing well. 😊

I've noticed that Haleth likes to do some rearranging at night. She pushes her wheel out, throws the sand out of its dish, and moves around her toys. I tend to put everything back so she can start all over again the next night. I think we both find this entertaining. Although I suppose I could be annoying her. It is her home after all. 😂