Tarcil's eBooks!

Tarcil's eBooks on Amazon!
Tarcil's first eBook is available to purchase by going to: Tales of Tarcil: Costume Edition.
Tarcil's second eBook is available to purchase by going to: Tales of Tarcil: Costume Edition 2.
Tarcil's third eBook is available to purchase by going to: Tales of Tarcil: Tarcil & Penny.
Tarcil's final eBook is now available to purchase by going to: Tales of Tarcil: Costume Edition 3.
Thanks for your support! Enjoy!! :)

Monday, November 16, 2020

Warm Blanket

There's definitely a chill in the air, which seems worse because of how unusually warm it had been.  The fierce wind we've had is making me want to hibernate until spring, but now the yard is covered in sticks.  As Joe and I like to say, "that sounds like a problem for future us to deal with".  😂  It's not that we are lazy procrastinators, it's that we are too busy with other things that we deem more important than yard work, so picking up sticks will have to wait.

Laurelin was the only ham to take the slice of carrot I got for them.  She's always been a bit like a vacuum cleaner.  She almost always pouches whatever is offered.  She's definitely more food motivated that the others.

Tarmund really liked this nice warm blanket and was especially intrigued by the holes.  He squeezed through one and was running around between the layers of the blanket for a while before he emerged from a different hole.  After he was done with his little adventure, he picked up the carrot, ate a bit, and then dropped it and went back to exploring.  I guess he didn't like it enough to pouch the rest for later.

I was unable to get a single picture of these two both looking at me.  They were so excited to be exploring the blanket.  When they started showing interest in squeezing through the holes (like Tarmund had done), I decided I was done taking pictures and that they had done enough exploring, so I snatched both of them up before I lost one.  They look innocent enough, but they can be devious little buggers.  😂

Monday, November 9, 2020

Sunny Days

I still can't believe how warm it is today!  This weather has been weird, but quite lovely, so I'm not complaining.  😁

I would say the hamsters enjoyed the sunshine, but truthfully, they actually prefer the dark.  The only reason they were even awake was because I was cleaning out their cages.  They all seem to have accepted the routine of being woken up on Mondays for a cleaning, treats, and maybe some pictures.  😊

Tarmund's nails were getting stuck on this bed while he was trying to eat his treat.  I made sure to trim them after these pictures.  For all you non hamster owners out there, yes, you gotta trim their nails just like you would for cats and dogs.  I've definitely gotten better at it over the years, but it's still a struggle.  I haven't been able to train any of my hamsters yet the way I have trained my cats.  It is SO easy for me to trim the cats' nails thanks to repetition and treats.  In case you haven't figured it out yet, treats are the key to making ownership of any pet approximately 1 billion times easier.  Take the time to figure out what treats your pet likes!  😊

Fili and Kili are still my pickiest eaters, but they are learning to like more of the treats I offer them.  So far, they both still like walnuts the best.  😊

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Wooden Box

I recently spent some time cleaning up and organizing one of the offices at my church and ended up coming home with this wooden box.  I'm not entirely sure what use it will serve me, but I'm happy to report that it has been approved by the hamsters.  😂

Laurelin is such a darling.  I love to spoil her!  ❤

Tarmund seems to be aging so much faster than Laurelin, even though he's half her age.  He's definitely showing the signs that he might not have much time left.  His hair has lightened, he's slower and a bit wobbly at times, he's thinning out some, he's not grooming himself as well, and he sleeps a bit more than he used to.  I'm fairly certain that living to a ripe old age just isn't in the cards for him due to his poor genetics.  But I'm also certain that he'll never lose his spunk or his desire to attack with all the fierceness he can muster anything that is unknown or new to him.  😁😂

These two sweeties are as happy as ever.  I'm also incredibly close to giving up on trying to tell them apart anymore.  They seem to get more and more identical by the day.  There is still a bit of a size difference and I think the bigger one is Kili.