I was hoping to have a fun birthday party to celebrate Vilya's second birthday, but with this crazy cold weather, I figured I should let the hams sleep and stay warm. So, I am posting pictures I took a couple weeks ago instead. But, I do want to take a moment to say how happy I am that I get to celebrate Vilya's second birthday! I don't know exactly when his birthday is, so I just decided last year that January 29th would be his birthday.
I really love how good all the hamsters look in this basket, but Nenya looks the best! She's so white and fluffy! She was also being naughty and trying to eat the basket, so she was removed quickly. Haha!
Narya ignored almost all the treats I had for her expect this pecan. She clearly loves pecans!
It's the birthday boy! He is such a sweet hamster. I love that he licks me when I hold him. Vilya looks fat in this picture, but it's just his cheeks. He gets extra yummy treats for his birthday!