Tarcil's eBooks!

Tarcil's eBooks on Amazon!
Tarcil's first eBook is available to purchase by going to: Tales of Tarcil: Costume Edition.
Tarcil's second eBook is available to purchase by going to: Tales of Tarcil: Costume Edition 2.
Tarcil's third eBook is available to purchase by going to: Tales of Tarcil: Tarcil & Penny.
Tarcil's final eBook is now available to purchase by going to: Tales of Tarcil: Costume Edition 3.
Thanks for your support! Enjoy!! :)

Thursday, February 27, 2025

White Blanket

I feel the pull of spring creeping closer as the days are getting longer and the weather is slowly starting to have more and more warmer days mixed in.  But the nights are still ridiculously cold, and I'm thankful for soft blankets to cuddle under.

I've already had Míriel for over a year which is honestly so surprising to me.  She's still as crazy as the day I got her.  But I appreciate that she is a good little model for me.  😊

Elendil had no interest in modeling for me, and I barely got these pictures.  Instead he wanted to burrow through the blanket.  He's ridiculously good at creating tunnels.  I love seeing the network of tunnels that he has in his tank.  I do feel guilty whenever I'm cleaning and have to destroy his hard work, but he quickly rebuilds them.  

Friday, February 14, 2025


I took some cute pictures of the hamsters in honor of Valentine's Day.  😊  I think that if Míriel were in a relationship, her partner would be overwhelmed with the amount of attention that Míriel demands day and night.  She also seems to have a bit of an attitude problem, often biting things that she shouldn't (like my fingers or the cute knit blanket on the bed for example).  She's very opinionated and has no shame in loudly voicing her opinions.  But in spite of her many flaws, she is super cute, loyal to those she knows, and incredibly entertaining.  I love her so much!

I think if Elendil were in a relationship, he'd be the one to quietly sneak away from every gathering without even saying goodbye.  He'd always prefer to stay in rather that go out.  And while he'd quickly express his discontent in many situations, it would be under his breath and easy to miss.  But despite his flaws, he's utterly adorable, has the gentlest soul, and would never bite you.  I love him so much!

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Winter Break

Today is the first really chill day Joe and I have had since Winter Break started.  Our main plan for today is to play board games.  But before we get into all that, I just wanted to take a quick moment to post these pictures.  

Míriel really does such a good job posing with costumes on.  They truly don't seem to bother her at all.  She may be very opinionated about literally everything else in her life, but she's chill when it comes to being a model, which I definitely appreciate about her.  Haha!

With the shorter days, I am able to catch more and more of Elendil already up running on his wheel before we go to bed.  He's definitely not as good as Míriel at being a model and none of the costumes I have come anywhere close to fitting him, but he is such a good boy.