
Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Bike Locks

Summer has a way of taking me by the hand and leading me away from my schedule and routines that I try so hard to cling to.  I used to get very stressed out about this.  But I'm learning to embrace finding a different way to balance this time of my life as I reorganize my priorities around spending more time with Joe during his summer break.  I try to acknowledge the natural seasons and cycles in my life and allow them to each take up the appropriate time and space before allowing one to pass and the next one to start.  So I guess all of that is to say that I'm not gonna apologize for the lack of posts as this just isn't as high a priority for me during summer break.  I'm sure that when Joe is back at work for long hours each day, if I start getting bored and/or lonely, I'll spend more time taking pictures of the pets and I'll make this a higher priority again.  In the meantime, Joe and I are enjoying extra time with friends and family, trying out new restaurants, actually playing board games together, and exploring more of the area around us on our bikes.

I'm happy to report that Fili is still alive at 29 months old!  He is sleeping a little more but still very active and gets around just fine.  That said, I know that with how old he is, he really could go at any time, even though he still seems to be in very good health.  I love watching him do all his hamster things.  He's so cute and even just hearing him awake brings a smile to my face.  😊

Haleth has finally embraced the deep bedding she has always had in her bin and has started making her own burrows instead of exclusively sleeping in a tissue box.  I feel like she's finally all grown up!  😂  And I'm no longer worried about not having enough empty tissue boxes that she can have.  She used to go through about one a week...  😬