
Thursday, April 28, 2022

New Flowers!

The weather was gorgeous on Saturday, and I was finally able to start fixing up the landscaping in the front of the house.  Part of my motivation was getting these new flowers planted!  I actually ended up going back to get more from the Botanical Conservatory's used bulb sale they were doing, but I wasn't able to get those planted yet because it got really cold again.  But the weather is looking good again, and I'm excited to get outside today and make more progress towards completing this project.  I've been planning this all out since last fall, and it's been very slow and a long wait!  But before I go out and get my hands dirty, I gotta finish editing pictures.

Fili was not interested in the strawberry or the flowers.  He just wanted off of the stool, which he managed to do and was wandering around in the flower pots before I caught him.  😅  I'm impressed with how young he acts since he is actually quite old for a ham.

Haleth was very pleased to get some strawberry, and I'm sure she would have gladly taken Fili's piece too, but I didn't let that happen.  Fruit is a nice treat for a ham, but does need to be limited like all treats.  I'm fairly certain Haleth lacks self control when it comes to any food, so I have to moderate treats for her.  

Monday, April 18, 2022

Windowsill (RIP Kili)

My sweet Kili passed away on Good Friday.  As I was working on Thursday, I heard a ham running on a wheel.  I was a bit surprised since they normally are sleeping, and Kili was the only hamster that would ever spend a decent amount of time up during the day, but even then it had been quite a while since he had gone for an afternoon jog like that.  I peeked behind me to see who it was and to my delight it was my dear Kili.  He only jogged for less than a minute, but I was still impressed.  He had gotten wobbly and was showing signs that his old age had caught up to him.  I've known for a while now that he didn't have much longer left, and each day that I got to spoil him with more treats was such a joy for me.  I feel blessed to have gotten to care for this little guy from the ACC for 25 out of his 26 months of life.  Sometimes I really wish hamsters lived longer, but then I think about all the wonderful hams I've been blessed with over the last 8 years of owning hamsters.  I'm missing my squeaky little office buddy who provided a bit of entertainment for me while I worked.  For those wondering, Kili's twin brother Fili is still doing well, but he and Haleth are very quiet if they get up during the day so I rarely notice when they are awake.  Below are some of my favorite pictures of Kili.  💓

Fili is oblivious to his brothers passing and is just starting to show signs of how old he is as I've noticed he is slowing down some.  So, I don't know how long Fili will stick around, but now he'll be getting the bulk of the special treats as he's clearly earned it.  😊

Haleth seems like a giant if you are used to seeing a dwarf hamster.  But she is just so sweet and I absolutely love photographing her!  She is gorgeous and poses naturally.  I love my big girl.  😊