
Thursday, January 13, 2022

Yummy Treats

One thing that I know is very true about myself is that I do best when following a schedule.  However, as I continue to learn more about myself and attempt to grow as a person, I realize that sometimes I need to allow myself to break the rules I've enforced on myself.  So I'm writing this blog now, on a Thursday and going to publish it now instead of waiting until Tuesday when I normally write and publish posts on this blog.  I do hope that I can get back to following my normal schedule as I actually thrive best with routines.

Fili is a little firecracker, but I love that he often spends a lot of time awake in the mornings while I'm working on the computer.  I like hearing him putter around his bin getting a drink, eating some snacks, and maybe going for a short run on his wheel before he heads back to bed.

Kili is definitely showing his age more obviously than Fili is.  I've honestly lost track of how old these pictures are, but Kili definitely doesn't look that plump anymore.  I'm glad to finally be posting them though because they are just too cute!

Haleth is basically a super model, and I wish I was better about getting her in front of a camera because she really knows how to work it!  😁  I mean just look at those tiny feet and cute pink nose!  😍 I wish she didn't sleep during the day because I always want to take pictures of her and give her kisses.  Hahaha!