
Tuesday, October 12, 2021


 I've been very aware of the season changing these last few weeks.  I think I've realized that fall might be my least favorite season in part because I know what follows.  But as much as I also dislike winter, I think by the time I'm actually in the midst of it, I find myself enjoying it and thus winter isn't my least favorite season.  Which by the way, I'd treat fall the same, but where I'm from, the days that I categorize as "fall" are few are far between.  Instead the weather jumps back and forth between cold and hot so fast that I can't find myself enjoying any of it.  At least in winter I know to just expect cold and can at least dress appropriately without changing my outfit multiple times throughout the day.  Hahaha!  Anyways, I've been intentional to start now to form habits and routines that will help me get through the winter blues I normally experience.  It's the little things like opening up the bedroom blinds that normally stay closed so that I can get just a bit more light in the house.  The extra light also helps with all the plants I have now that I didn't have last fall.  I told myself not to buy anymore since I don't know how well they will handle winter at my house, but I bought 2 just yesterday.  😂

Fili had zero interest in looking at my plants.  He wanted to see what else was on the bookshelf.  He also wouldn't touch the lettuce I offered him.  Oh well!

Kili stopped for just a moment to sniff my heartleaf philodendron, but then like his brother, he ran off.  I actually don't have any of the plants in these pictures anymore because I gave them all to my sister who is finally settled into her new house!  In addition to the heartleaf philodendron, I gave her a jade pothos, pearls & jade pothos, marble queen pothos, cream allusion syngonium, zz, asparagus fern, and orchid.  All of these were propagated or split from my own plants with the exception of the orchid.  😊

Haleth was a perfect little model and actually appreciated the lettuce I gave her.  I love going through the pictures to see the progression of the lettuce disappearing.  😁