
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Chilling by the Window

I have definitely been struggling to get some things like blogging and posting on social media back into my schedule and routines.  I know that part of my struggle is that I find myself disliking social media more and more.  But, I'm trying to refocus on the good because it is there if you look hard enough.  I also want to make sure that I am being a part of that good.  I often wonder if posting pictures of my pets, animals, and babies can make a difference and be "good", but these are all things I find joy in and I hope you can too.  😊  So here is the start of me getting back into social media.

Fili has been less interested in being held and I haven't been holding him as much which just continues the cycle.  But I know he is a happy little guy, so he can be left alone more if that's what he wants.  😊

I have not seen Kili awake much but I've also not been spending as much time with my hamsters.  I do know that Kili is happy being held and snuggled.  He's a sweet round boi.  😁

Haleth definitely prefers to hide and wait to come out until we go to bed.  However, whenever I do bride her with treats to come out, she does seem to enjoy being held and having the opportunity to explore.  So I keep working with her.  I call her my sweet wittle yam.  😍