
Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Granite Sample

As I have mentioned before, Joe and I have been saving up to update our kitchen.  Since we made the decision that we would do it this summer, our plans have evolved so much.  The process of picking out flooring and counter top took us a while.  When we were finally in agreement, we headed to Lowes to place our orders, starting with the laminate counter top we picked out.  Much to our surprise, we we told that due to the difference in installation fees, granite has been coming up cheaper than laminate and sure enough, that was true for us.  So we obviously choose to save money and buy granite instead of laminate.  😁  However, this put us back at square one in terms of picking out flooring that matched the new counter top we picked out.  It's been a long wait since placing our order, but today the company is here taking the actual measurements for the granite counter top.  Once that is installed, we'll order our flooring and schedule to have that installed.  We definitely aren't going to have this finished before school starts, but we are fine with that as it will be so much nicer than we were hoping for!  In the meantime, I've been staring at this tiny sample trying to imagine how awesome the kitchen will look when it's finished!  😍

Fili apparently doesn't like watermelon.  That's okay though since hamsters shouldn't have that much of it anyways.  He also didn't want to sit for pictures, but I got one of him.  😅

Kili seemed interested in the watermelon, but also didn't actually eat any of it.  He's always been very food motivated, but now I know that there is something he won't eat.  😂

Haleth didn't really fit on the small square of granite because she refused to get close to the watermelon.  She kinda just froze when I set her there.  I think between the cold granite and the new food in front of her, she didn't really know what to do.  She sure is cute though!  😊

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Cutting Board

The last couple weeks have been a weird mix of feeling like time is both dragging on and flying by.  I missed posting last week or even earlier in this week.  Overall, Joe and I are having a wonderful summer break.  But, we have been dealing with car troubles this week.  Thankfully, with a new battery and starter, I think we are good to go again.  Shout out to our friend and neighbor James for driving us around this past week!

I also have to take a moment to talk about this GORGEOUS cutting board!  My brother-in-law Quinn made this!  😍  Y'all should make sure to hit him up!

Fili is the king of tunneling and recently he made his nest against the side of the tub so I've been able to watch him sleep.  He's so stinkin cute!

I recently caught both Kili and Fili awake at the same time, each sitting in the same corner of their own bins, eating a snack during the day.  I love how connected they still are!  Isn't Kili is so precious?!

Haleth is the cutest little teddy bear!  I wish she was a bit more cuddly, but I am okay with her being timid.  Thankfully she can easily be won over with treats.  😊