
Monday, April 27, 2020


The last two weeks have flown by!  Even though these pictures are from two weeks ago and these flowers have wilted, I still have SO many lovely daffodils blooming in the yard that I am thankful for.  Today is the first day since I took these pictures that has felt "normal" to me, and yet there is still so much that isn't normal about today, but I'm okay with that.  Although I'm not okay with the lack of sleep...  I don't do too well with prolonged sleep deprivation.  

All the hammies enjoyed walnuts to get them to sit still for these pictures.  I was so glad I captured this picture of Laurelin!  She picked up the walnut with her mouth and just sat there, not eating it and not pouching it.  She just kinda froze before she decided what to do with her treat.  😂

Tarmund LOVES walnuts and sat very still while he slowly savored his treat.  😍

Kili also loves walnuts and sat sill to eat his.  Fili pouched his and then wandered around exploring for a bit.  At some point Fili realized that his brother still had a walnut and so he tried to steal it.  😂

Friday, April 24, 2020

Tiny Bowl

These pictures are from the first week of having these babies.  Back then, it was very easy to tell them apart because Kili was so much smaller than Fili.  I miss them both being this tiny!

Monday, April 13, 2020

Easter Bunnies

I took these pictures this morning and at the time, I couldn't wait to share them.  Now they seem a bit silly in light of a serious situation that we are awaiting answers for.   But silly or not, they make me happy, and I hope they bring joy to you too.

Laurelin really does a great job of pretending to be the Easter bunny.

I really thought these pictures were in focus, so I didn't take more.  Oh well.  He's still cute.  

I still call these two the babies.  Don't ask which one is which.  I don't have a clue.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Empty Fruit Bowl

Oh man, these pictures are melting me!  Fili and Kili are NOT this tiny anymore!  These pictures are only like two weeks old!  😭  I am glad that in the last two weeks, they seem to be a bit calmer and more comfortable with me.  For example, before, Kili didn't seem interested in food and wouldn't really take it from my hand.  I have a video on my phone from last night of him sitting in my hand, eating a walnut.  😍

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Running on the Love Seat

Laurelin has learned how to climb up the mesh that's high up on the side of her bin.  She then climbs on top of the water bottle.  Mind you, there really isn't much space on top of the water bottle so she is pressed up against the mesh on the lid of her bin.  She sits up there waiting for me to hold her, which generally happens.  What a silly, but smart ham!

Can we talk about how perfect Tarmund's runway walk is??!!  What a cutie!  😍

Monday, April 6, 2020

On the Couch

Happy Monday!  Laurelin loves getting time out of her bin to explore the house.  Unfortunately with our cats, I can't let the hamsters out of my hands unless the cats are locked up, so this free exploring doesn't happen as much as Laurelin would like.  She has a new method of getting my attention to at least be held, which has been highly effective.  😒  She seems like a heavy giant in my hand compared to all these little dwarf hamsters I now have.  😂

Tarmund loves his tank, but he's also happy to explore when given the chance.  He's much easier for me to photograph because he's calmer and therefore slower than he used to be.  In fact, I think out of all the hams, he's now the easiest to photograph.  He's a pretty chill little guy.  😎

Friday, April 3, 2020

In My Hand

I am SO glad that I got a lot of pictures of these guys early on because they are already SO much bigger!  I seriously am blow away by how much they have grown.  They are much harder to tell apart because they are so close to the same size now.  However, their personalities haven't changed, so I can tell who is who that way.  I am also getting better at noticing the subtle differences in the coloring and markings.  Fili is still slightly bigger than Kili, but it isn't as obvious as it was before.  He also is still the protector, has a love for food, and resists being picked up (but is fine being held).  Kili is so gentle, doesn't care about food much, and is a very sound sleeper.  I rarely find them awake, no matter what time it is, so I have been waking them up at least once a day to check on them.  I love them both so much!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Empty Studio

I decided to put away some of my supplies for photographing babies.  Seeing them was a sad reminder that I have no idea when I will be able to bring a client into my home again to use my studio.  So like a responsible adult, I just shoved as much stuff into the closet as I could.  😬

Laurelin was also not impressed with this basically empty dresser.  She expected food.  

Tarmund also searched high and low for food, but none was found.  I really should have remembered to get treats out before doing photos like I normally do.  Hahaha!