
Monday, December 23, 2019


I'm admitting to you that for the first time since being married, I am still not done buying presents yet, and Christmas is only two days away!  We do have everything done now for what we need this week for my husband's side of the family, but we haven't even started buying gifts for my side of the family which is doing our Christmas gathering on New Year's Day.  So I totally have time.  😁

Doesn't Laurelin look SO precious in this little Santa outfit?!?!  She didn't like the hat, but the cape was perfect.

Tarmund wasn't interested in staying still for this picture.  I was trying to recreate one of my all time favorite pictures of Tarcil, but it wasn't working.  Oh well.  Tarmund looks very cute in what I did get.  😊

Monday, December 16, 2019


On this snowy morning with my schedule thrown off due to a 2 hour delay for the schools, I am having peace and enjoying the quiet for a little longer.  I know that I can still get everything done, even if it is in a different order.  😊

Laurelin really enjoys being held more than she used to.  She's always liked attention, even from the cats since she isn't afraid of the them (although she definitely should be).  She is the loudest hamster I've ever had as she moves rocks around her cage and chews on everything.  But she is very sweet, and I love photographing her.

Tarmund isn't very food motivated unless it's walnuts.  They are the only thing I've found that makes him stop and eat it right then.  I recently discovered that I don't think he hears very well.  He likes being held, but not being picked up out of his cage, so I've always talked to him or made noise to get his attention so he can climb into my hand.  However, that hasn't worked recently.  So I think either he can't hear me very well, or he's become an expert at ignoring me.  😂

Monday, December 9, 2019

Made for Hope

I bought this book at a women's Christmas event at my church last Tuesday.  The speaker that evening was Sara Ward.  I've known of her for a few years now since she and her husband have been involved in a couple plays by all for One.  I've also heard random tidbits of Sara's life from her neighbor who attends my church.  When I first saw on Facebook from our mutual friend that Sara wrote a book, I was immediately interested in reading it, though I didn't know why or anything about the book.  I admit that I forgot about it for a couple months until Tuesday night, when suddenly I had the opportunity to buy the book right then and there.  I bought it without hesitation.  

On Sunday, I had to be at church early with my husband since he was running sound.  Since I didn't have any obligations during the worship practice, I brought my Chromebook and this book.  I intended to spend at least some of the hour working on my blogs, but I was drawn to this book and while the sanctuary was still quiet, I decided to start reading.  I devoured it, and the hour was gone in an instant.  After we were home and our bellies were full, I grabbed the book to keep reading.  I was interrupted fairly quickly by my Dad who stopped by for a short visit.  As soon as he was gone, I got myself settled on the couch with this book and my cuddly kitten Arien who slept on my chest, and read until I finished it.  

Sara's story is remarkable.  The way she tells her story is so captivating.  Reading this book helped me realize that I have still been struggling with trying to get back to "normal life" despite being in the aftermath of losses.  I think the most accurate description I have ever heard of grief is that it is like waves in the ocean; some waves are big, some are small, some are predictable, and some come out of nowhere.  While it's been a while since a wave of grief has hit me, I have realized that I haven't fully accepted that I am already living in what is my new "normal life".  I feel an emptiness that I can't fill.  This time of year with so many holidays is especially hard.  I long for traditions and stability.  But each year is different than the last, and we are left making it up as we go.  I know I can never go back to before losses and grief rocked my world, but I trust in a Sovereign God who gives me hope for the future.  

Sara says in her book, "I possessed no way to fix the gaping hole in my life, and no solution to bring my son back, but I could find hope in the darkness.  I wanted to make sense of this pain and not waste an opportunity to grow from it.  I was searching for the gifts of brokenness - those treasures found only through great loss.  In the midst of my suffering, I realized it was not pain that brought me these gifts, but God.  Like hidden treasures, these gifts helped me to understand the greatness of God's love and compassion for me.  He was the creator of these gifts, if only I had the eyes to see them.  He was the one who could bring light out of darkness and beauty for ashes.  The book of Isaiah says, 'I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name' (Isaiah 45:3)."

If you want to buy a copy of this book you can find it here on Amazon, or go to Sara's website at:

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Christmas Gift Ideas!

I know it has been a while since I have posted about Tarcil, but I think about him a lot and miss him so much.  He was such a great hamster!  I did want to remind you all that if you miss him like I do, you can get these eBooks of Tarcil in his adorable costumes or the extra special eBook of Tarcil with his best friend Penny.  

Tarcil currently has a few eBooks that you can buy!   Each eBook is filled with colorful photographs and stories of Tarcil as he portrays a variety of fun characters!  You can purchase these eBooks on Amazon!

Tales of Tarcil: Costume Edition

This was published in early April 2015 in a printed form.  It is now available as a eBook for $2.99 on Amazon! :)  This is a full color book of Tarcil in various costumes and includes a little description of each!

Tales of Tarcil: Costume Edition 2

This eBook was published in February 2016!  You don't want to miss the sequel to the original costume book!  This eBook is even better than the first with 40 pages of Tarcil in adorable handmade costumes!  Read the stories of each character he dressed up as!  You can purchase this eBook for $2.99 on Amazon!  :)

Tales of Tarcil: Tarcil and Penny

This eBook is brand new!  Inside you will find exclusive pictures of Tarcil and Penny together that aren't posted anywhere else!  The interesting story of them meeting and their crazy friendship is written among numerous photographs of them together.  This eBook is over 50 pages and is now available for $3.49 on Amazon!  :)

Tales of Tarcil: Costume Edition 3

This eBook was published in April 2017! You don't want to miss the final costume book! This eBook is 60 pages of Tarcil in adorable handmade costumes! Read the stories of each character he dressed up as! You can purchase this eBook for $2.99 on Amazon! :)

Thank you all for your support!

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

White Bench

I like photographing the hamsters against white because their beautiful fur coats pop so well!  Laurelin is always slow and cautious when exploring something new, which makes photographing her pretty easy.  😊

Tarmund is nearly always moving!  He doesn't seem scared or unsure about anything.  Usually my method for getting good pictures of him is to give him time to finish exploring everything first and then he tends to sit still for a bit which makes getting a good picture much easier.  However in this case, he seemed like he was going to jump or fall off the edge of this bench, so I grabbed what pictures I could as quickly as I could.  What a silly ham!  😊