
Monday, December 31, 2018


Christmas might be over for according to the calendar, but with my larger family, we have made a tradition to get together a week after Christmas on another holiday, New Year's Day.  We are gathering at my house for this celebration, so today is my last chance to get the preparations done.  There is shopping to do, some cleaning, baking, and moving some furniture around.  I am sure I'll think of a million more things to do too, but for now, that's my to do list.  😁

Nenya looks so pretty sitting in front of the Christmas tree.  😊

Narya of course was so precious and perfect at doing exactly what I wanted.

I couldn't resist having Vilya try on Tarcil's Santa costume.  Vilya isn't used to costumes though, so he wouldn't wear the hat.  😁

Monday, December 24, 2018

Mini Christmas Tree

I didn't post last week like I intended to.  I rarely do that.  Truth is, I have been struggling a bit this Christmas with getting into the "Christmas spirit".  This year hit me hard with the fact that my husband and I don't really have any traditions left which has been making it difficult for me to get excited.  My heart has been aching as I reflect on how much I deeply miss the people and traditions from our past.  But each year brings the chance to start new traditions to look forward to.  So this year, I am looking forward to having no plans or agendas other than eating yummy food with my amazing husband while we watch our pets enjoy their presents.  😊

I will never grow tired of getting pictures of the hamsters in the Christmas tree.  Nenya had trouble staying where I put her because she's fat and was slowly falling down through the branches.  😂

Narya could have been the angel on top of the tree because she just looks so perfectly content and she happily sat where I placed her.

Vilya wasn't necessarily trying to move around, but like Nenya, he's a bit too fat for the branches, so I had trouble find a good spot for him.  😁

Monday, December 10, 2018


I really enjoyed making this wreath!  I was going to buy one, but I didn't like any of the ones I found, so I bought ribbon and these sparkly decorations to add to this simple willow branch wreath.  I am so happy with how it turned out!

Nenya looks so pretty surrounded by all the gold glitter!

Narya happily ate her pecan, but then she wanted more when that was gone.  How to I say no to that cute face??!

Vilya quickly pouched his treat so he could check out the rest of the area.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Gold Presents

These are actually empty boxes that I wrapped to use for my Christmas mini sessions on Saturday.  They look SO pretty though, so I had to use them for more pictures!  

Nenya was the only hamster that actually seemed interested in the boxes.  Also, I couldn't believe that the wrapping paper is SO shiny that you can see her reflection so clearly in it!

Narya is such a natural at holding cute positions long enough for me to get the picture.  What a great model!  

I actually think Vilya looks a bit grumpy.  Maybe he's finally hit the grumpy old man stage of his life.  Hahaha!  I guess only time will tell.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Pine Cones and Ribbon

Christmas Season is in full swing around here with more and more decorations going up each day!  I am always surprised at how long it actually takes to get everything up.  Apparently we have more than I realize.  😄

Nenya likes these little decorations.  Isn't she the cutest?!

Narya was sure where it was that I expected her to sit for the picture.  But she finally got it and stayed long enough for me to capture this one.  😊

Vilya was fairly certain that I put him next to food and wanted to try to eat everything.  Needless to say, he didn't get to sit there long.  Just long enough for one picture.  😊

Monday, November 19, 2018

Little Models

I can't believe that its been 5 years since I first got a hamster.  I wanted a puppy, but we were renting at the time and the landlords said no, so I researched small animals and settled on getting a long-haired syrian hamster that I named Tarcil.  I never dreamed that he would have such a huge impact on my life.  After my husband and I bought a house, I got a bit carried away and got three hamsters after Tarcil passed away, as well as the puppy I always wanted, and we got a kitten after our cat passed away.  😁  So, all 5 pets in our house are about 2 years old or less, and yet, I know that these 3 hamsters are all getting old.  I am finding new motivation for taking pictures of them as much as I can, even if they are simple with no background or props.  I am quite happy at how well their personalities shine through when they are just in a chair and not surrounded by props.

Nenya usually only stops to eat, so I made sure to have a treat on hand.  She seemed to appreciate the gift.

Narya was obsessed with hiding behind the pillow and only peeking out to say hi.  She looks so incredibly happy!

Vilya didn't actually want to stay on the chair and spent most of the time trying to get away.  He prefers to be cuddled and doesn't seem to like open spaces as much.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Flower Basket

I really enjoyed setting up this shoot.  I wanted to capture the colors I see outside in the fallen leaves while still trying to hold on to summer with flowers (although I admit they are all fake flowers).  I have to say, I was very pleased that this idea was executed so well.

Nenya put herself in exactly the perfect spot for the pictures.  She seriously was the star of this little session.

Narya was incredibly stubborn because she loved being in the basket so much.  I had to bride her quite a bit so she would poke her head out enough to get the picture I wanted.

Vilya was also fairly interested in the basket, but then he decided to check out the flowers.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Christmas Cactus

I know it isn't Christmas yet, but my Christmas cactus started blooming last week for the first time since I got it last year, and I'm so excited!  I have to say, I didn't even know what the blooms would look like, and they definitely aren't what I would have guessed.  This is definitely a cool, unique plant.  I also like how easy it has been to take care of.  This was a gift from my aunt and uncle, and it's been such a beautiful way to remind me of them.

Nenya loves to investigate new things, especially if she thinks she might be able to eat it.  Hahaha!  This is why she earned the nickname "fat fat".  😁

Narya just wanted to chill in the little bed.  😍

Vilya could smell the ladies so he was also happy to just sit in the little bed.  😊

Monday, October 29, 2018


This pitcher, bowl, and towel was a gift that was awarded to my husband and I to thank us for our service at our church.  We both love to jump in and help when we see a need.  Over the years, that has led to us volunteering with many special events, doing a variety of jobs during our Sunday morning service, and to leading the youth ministry for almost 10 years.  The verse that is embroidered on the towel is Mark 10:45 which says, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many."  Joe and I recently stepped down from leading the youth ministry, but our desire to serve hasn't changed.  In this time of rest and seeking guidance, we are also looking for opportunities, praying about the needs, and preparing for new roles.  Through all these changes, it is my hope and prayer that my attitude will always be to serve for His glory, not my own.

Nenya seemed sure that the pitcher needed to be inspected.

Narya seriously melts me with her little expressions!

Vilya had zero desire to be in the bowl, so each time I put him in it, he would climb right back out.

Monday, October 22, 2018


The hamsters were all fairly well behaved for this little photo shoot.  They all seemed interested in sniffing the gourds more than they had for the pumpkins, which meant I was able to get better pictures since they weren't trying to run away.  :)

Nenya is seriously the loudest, most demanding little ham I have ever had.  She LOVES any attention she can get, even if it comes from our cat, Kira.  Nenya doesn't seem to understand that Kira is so attentive because she would gladly eat her if given the chance (which will never happen because Kira gets locked up whenever the hamsters are out of their tubs).  During the day, while the hamsters mostly sleep and just come out of their nests a couple times for some water, Kira likes to sleep on top of the two tubs she can reach so that she never misses a chance to see them (one of these is Nenya's tub).  However, Nenya has learned that Kira is basically always watching, and so when Nenya wakes up for a drink, she also tends to go to the front of the cage where she and Kira sniff noses through the mesh wire.  They have a very strange relationship.  Haha!

Narya is the most private hamster of the three I have.  She is so quiet whenever she is out of her nest, so I am often unaware of when she is awake.  She lives in an aquarium that Kira can't get near, and I think Narya is quite happy about that.  Narya is also the only hamster I have that makes tunnels through her bedding to get around "underground" instead of walking on top like the other two do.

Vilya seems happiest when he is left to just go about his own business.  He definitely likes being held and out of the tub he lives in so that he can explore, but he is also quite content to rummage around his home without being bothered by anyone, especially the cat.  I think he is smart enough to realize that Kira is not his friend.  So unlike Nenya, Vilya ignores Kira when she is watching him.