
Monday, February 26, 2018


These are the last pictures from my series of LOVE!  And don't you just LOVE these pictures?!??

Nenya thought for sure that one of those hearts just had to be edible.  Haha!  I think she was disappointed that none of them could be eaten.

Narya happily ate her pecan, and then she had to check to see if she could eat the flowers too.  Hahaha!  Look at her little tongue!  

Vilya didn't seem to care about the hearts or the flowers.  He also didn't really care about posing for pictures, so I just got this one shot.  He is so cute though!

Monday, February 19, 2018


I am extending my Valentine's Day photos through the rest of this month, because frankly, we all could use more love in our lives.  :)

Nenya didn't want her carrot, but she was happy to pose for me.  What a gorgeous girl she is!  I love her!

My tiny girl, Narya, gobbled up her carrot and then wanted to check to see if the hearts were edible too.  Hahaha!  Look at that precious face!  I love her!  

Vilya didn't want the carrots or the hearts.  He just wanted to meet the ladies.  I'm sure we all agree that he is a handsome guy, but he's staying single.  Haha!  I love him!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Be My Valentine?

Happy Valentine's Day!  I love my fluffy little hamsters!  And even though they aren't all that great at doing photo shoots, I love taking pictures of them.  I have consented to the fact that I won't get any pictures at all unless there is food involved.  And even with the food, they still might decide they suddenly aren't interested in food.  

Nenya surprised me the most during this because she normally grabs any food around as quickly as possible and runs everywhere.  Her nickname is fatty, but on this day, she barely touched any food.  Thankfully, she held still long enough to get pictures.  In fact, I got through her pictures faster than any of the others because she did exactly what I wanted on the first try.  She's such a good ham when she wants to be.  :)

Narya was more interested in the food than I expected.  She rarely shows interest in food outside her cage and even in her cage.  She just doesn't have the food drive the way most hams do.  That might explain why she stays so tiny.  Haha!  I was happy that she at least tasted the foods I offered.  She took the whole piece of spinach and had a nibble of the strawberry.  She's so sweet.  I have the most pictures of her from this photo shoot because she is the easiest to photograph, and I can't stop myself from getting all the cute pictures!

Vilya was probably the hardest to get pictures of.  He just doesn't hold still.  He is a curious and confident guy so he likes to explore.  He also didn't pause very long for all the food like I had hoped because he was more interested in looking for the ladies, so most of the pictures I have of him are slightly out of focus.  Oh well.  He is still so adorable!  :)

Monday, February 5, 2018

Blue Bowl

These are some more pictures from a couple weeks ago.  Being reminded how cute my hamsters are certainly motivates me to take and share more pictures of them with you all.  Aren't my little hams adorable??!!??

Narya continues to prove that she is the best at posing.  I mean, of the three, she is definitely the easiest to get good pictures of.  Isn't she so precious?!

Oh Vilya.  Such a stud.  Seriously, just look at that smug little smirk on his face.