
Monday, January 29, 2018

Vilya's Birthday Celebration!

Are you ready to hear the secret??  So I don't actually know when Vilya's birthday is, but I have declared today, January 29, 2018 to be his first birthday!  :)  Of course this means that he gets extra spoiled today.  This also means the other hams get to join the celebration by being extra spoiled too.  :)

Seeing Vilya in his party hat as the birthday boy reminds me so much of Tarcil!  Vilya was so chill and happy to eat all the yummy food I had for him.  And of course by eat, I mean shove it all in his cheeks.  Hahaha!  He really enjoyed being spoiled for his birthday.  I do wish that Penny could have joined the celebration.  She was always so happy to see the hams and was so gentle with each of them.  She truly was a special cat who is dearly missed.

Doens't Nenya look so dreamy??!!?  So to give you all full disclosure, I took exactly two pictures of Nenya, and this is the only one worth sharing.  Nenya was way more interested in exploring than eating food, so she didn't stay at the table for long.  She enjoyed her yummy treat when she went back into her home.  :)

Oh Narya.  So here's the story of Narya's first experience at a party.  Narya saw the food and instantly picked up as much food as she could with her tiny paws with the intention of shoving it all into her cheeks.  Well, I don't think she anticipated how much food there was or the weight of all that food, because she quickly toppled off the chair.  However, she held onto the food through the fall and continued with her plan to stuff her face.  She was the only ham to sniff the flowers which I thought was so sweet.  :)

Monday, January 22, 2018

Couch Time

I have been really missing my pretty kitty Penny and haven't been feeling like doing anything.  Finally I got the urge to take pictures again.  I needed something to feel good about and wanted pictures that could make me happy.  I did something I haven't done before with the hamsters and grabbed my flash since it was late evening when this urge came over me.  I normally take pictures during the day to use the bright natural light from windows.  Well, I have to say, I am so glad that I did this despite how I was initially feeling.  I love these hamsters so much and even though none of them are natural models and posers like Tarcil was, I am quite happy with the pictures I got.  This is exactly what I needed.  I can't wait to print some and get them on my board of favorite pictures.

Nenya wasn't so sure about the flash, but she definitely wasn't scared of it!  I am so happy with how well she held still so I could get pictures to show you all how adorable she is!

Narya was interested in wandering around and taking her time to look and smell everything.  She's so tiny and cute!

Vilya was exploring everything!  He was so excited to climb around and see every inch of this couch.  He made a point to pause every now and then so I could grab a picture.  

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

My Pretty Penny

I've had a lot of trouble bringing myself to do this, and I still don't know what to say, but my pretty kitty Penny passed away on Sunday night. We noticed about a month ago she wasn't eating as much, and then we noticed that she lost a lot of weight, so we took her to the vet and after doing an ultrasound, they found masses (likely cancer) in both kidneys, liver, and intestines. We took her home and loved her and kept her comfy until the end. She was about 7 years old, but I feel like I have had her my whole life as she is the last of a long line of cats that I grew up with. I choose her to keep because she was so much like my dear Tigger. She was a sweetheart that hated having her picture taken, but I did it anyways. She had a love/hate relationship with Beren, but she always liked the hamsters, especially Tarcil.

This first college is some of my favorite pictures I have of Penny.

This shows Penny's relationship with the other pets.

She was so chill and such a sweetheart.

The last three pictures I took of her.  In the top left, you can see where she was shaved for her ultrasound.