
Monday, December 11, 2017


Nenya seemed to really like this stocking, but she really wanted to explore the whole thing.  I made her stay up by the opening so that she wouldn't make the stocking her home.  She settled down on her urge to explore and instead happily cleaned herself.  :)

Narya sat exactly where I set her and basically didn't move.  She seemed to like the view.  She really is a very photogenic little ham!  :)

Vilya was sure he just missed seeing a lady and was determined to find her.   He thought if he licked the whole area, maybe she would reappear for him.  Hahaha!  :)

Monday, December 4, 2017

Beautiful Blues

These are more flowers from the flower arrangement we got from the funeral home.  I LOVE the way they mixed a variety of beautiful blue flowers in with so many pretty white ones.  The whole arrangement was stunning!  Nenya almost looks like just another flower!  Her red eyes and pink nose are about all that stands out!  She's so pretty though!

Narya has such nice contrasting colors against these flowers!  She is clearly the best at posing for pictures!  She just sits still and looks right at me when I talk to her!  :)

Vilya was the only one that seemed interested in the flowers themselves.  He was actually smelling all of them.  :)

Monday, November 27, 2017

White Flowers

I know I have said a couple times now that I would at least try to get back into the habit of taking and posting pictures.  Some of you probably noticed that it still tends to be a month between pictures.  Well, it seems like every time I have an idea and have the desire, then something comes up and I don't have the time.  This past month was incredibly difficult for me because my father in law went to the hospital for a routine appointment, he got sent to the ER, eventually he moved to a rehab facility where he got diagnosed with stomach cancer, he found out that the cancer was extremely advanced which meant no cure or treatment was available for him, he moved to a hospice home, and then he passed away.  All of that happened right before Thanksgiving.  So needless to say, I was overwhelmed and unable to keep to my normal work schedule.  This has been the my first chance at going back to my routine since the middle of October.

These beautiful white flowers are from the flower arrangement that was used at the funeral home for the calling we had for my father in law.  I had to separate the huge arrangement into lots of vases to make sure I could keep them all watered properly.  I love seeing so many gorgeous flowers all over my house, but seeing them also reminds me that I didn't just have some horrible dream about losing my father in law.  The flowers make me remember that this is my reality now.  I miss him so much already.  

I am glad that I have these wonderful hamsters (as well as my dog and cat) who are such a comfort to me in hard times.  Aren't they just the cutest?!  Nenya is my crazy one.  I never quite know what to expect from her.  She wants her freedom and runs away from me any chance she gets.  She only begs to be held if there is food involved.  That's why I call her my fatty.  Haha!  :)

Narya is just so sweet!  She is definitely the calm one of the bunch.  She is so happy just to be held.

Vilya is a sweet guy, but he gets so much energy if he can smell a lady!  He will grab and hold my finger with his paws so he can lick and nip me if he smells one of the other two hamsters, and then he won't let go of me if I pull my hand away.  I actually think it is really cute, and he never hurts me, so I often will hold him last.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Cute Chaos

I gotta be honest here and say that the reason that I don't post more pictures of these hammies is because they are definitely not as good at the whole concept of photo shoots the way Tarcil just naturally was.  So that being said, these pictures, which are hardly in focus, were the best I could get of this bunch.  They sure are cute, but they don't sit to enjoy their surroundings.  They just run.  Hahaha.  Oh and Nenya thought she should pee on that blanket because that's just what she does.

Even my little Narya who is usually pretty good, decided exploring was more fun than posing for pictures.

Isn't Vilya too cute?!  As usual, he was licking everything.  Oh and frantically trying to figure out where those ladies were that he could smell.  Hahaha  :)  Maybe if I can convince myself to keep trying organized photo shoots with this bunch of crazies, I will start with Vilya instead of end with him.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Tarcil Prints and Products!

I just wanted to remind you all that you can get prints and products of some of my favorite pictures of Tarcil! I will also be adding in pictures of my new hammies if you are interested! These make great gifts! I love my calendar of Tarcil. It's so cute and reminds me of the wonderful little guy that he was. :)

This gallery might be my favorite! Within this gallery you will find the results of what started as more of a hobby for me and then become so much more! I have over a thousand pictures of my hamster, Tarcil, so it was difficult to narrow it down to my favorite, but you can see them here!

Thank you all for your support! :)

Monday, October 23, 2017

Fun with Pumpkins

I am apparently really bad at actually taking and posting pictures of my hammies now that I have 3. In case you are wondering, they are all doing so well! I love cuddling with them! They all have such different personalities. Nenya is my trouble maker. She's gorgeous, but she always does whatever she wants which generally is running around trying to escape, hence this picture being awful. She refused to hold still and treats were not interesting to her when freedom was on her mind. :)

Narya is my perfect little girl! So sweet and SO photogenic! Just look at her being an awesome little model! 😍

Vilya obviously did so much better in this mini photo shoot than Nenya. He's such a fun guy who loves treats, unless he can smell a lady. Then he just licks everything and doesn't actually care to eat. 😂

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Photo Shoot

I love my beautiful and chubby Nenya! I affectionately call her "fatty" even though she isn't fat at all, just so fluffy! She is also quite a lot bigger than Narya, but that's because Narya is unusual small. :)

I was thoroughly impressed with how well she did for this impromptu photo shoot! This made me very excited to do more hammy photo shoots like I did with Tarcil!

I call Narya my "tiny babe" because she is so much smaller than any Syrian hamster I have seen before. Isn't she so precious?! 😍

Vilya has so much spunk and curiosity! Isn't he such a cutie?!

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Little Models

That pink nose! 😍 I love kissing Nenya's cute little face!

Why is she so perfect?! But seriously, Narya is really good at the whole being cute and holding still for pictures thing. 

Where did Vilya's ears go??! 

Oh there they are! What a cutie! :)

Monday, August 28, 2017

Embroidery Samplers!

I got this beautiful mini mandala sampler when I bought another embroidery sampler from Aimee Ray!  You can follow what she does on her blog at:  I followed one of the suggested color schemes but with a slight adjustment.  I love it!! And doesn't Nenya look stunning?!  You can get these for yourself by going to:

Narya is my perfect tiny ham! She has this modeling gig nailed, so if I ever quit posting pictures of Nenya and Vilya, you'll know why! Hahaha! Seriously, she is SO easy to photograph! Anyways, I got this beautiful embroidery pattern from!  I still haven't started working on it. I did the other one first because it took me a while to get all the supplies I needed for this one. I can not wait to finish it so I can get it hung up with my other decorations! :)

Vilya wants you to check out to see all her beautiful work! I think he also wants to steal that adorable little pin. Haha :)