
Monday, December 11, 2017


Nenya seemed to really like this stocking, but she really wanted to explore the whole thing.  I made her stay up by the opening so that she wouldn't make the stocking her home.  She settled down on her urge to explore and instead happily cleaned herself.  :)

Narya sat exactly where I set her and basically didn't move.  She seemed to like the view.  She really is a very photogenic little ham!  :)

Vilya was sure he just missed seeing a lady and was determined to find her.   He thought if he licked the whole area, maybe she would reappear for him.  Hahaha!  :)

Monday, December 4, 2017

Beautiful Blues

These are more flowers from the flower arrangement we got from the funeral home.  I LOVE the way they mixed a variety of beautiful blue flowers in with so many pretty white ones.  The whole arrangement was stunning!  Nenya almost looks like just another flower!  Her red eyes and pink nose are about all that stands out!  She's so pretty though!

Narya has such nice contrasting colors against these flowers!  She is clearly the best at posing for pictures!  She just sits still and looks right at me when I talk to her!  :)

Vilya was the only one that seemed interested in the flowers themselves.  He was actually smelling all of them.  :)