
Monday, October 30, 2017

Tarcil Prints and Products!

I just wanted to remind you all that you can get prints and products of some of my favorite pictures of Tarcil! I will also be adding in pictures of my new hammies if you are interested! These make great gifts! I love my calendar of Tarcil. It's so cute and reminds me of the wonderful little guy that he was. :)

This gallery might be my favorite! Within this gallery you will find the results of what started as more of a hobby for me and then become so much more! I have over a thousand pictures of my hamster, Tarcil, so it was difficult to narrow it down to my favorite, but you can see them here!

Thank you all for your support! :)

Monday, October 23, 2017

Fun with Pumpkins

I am apparently really bad at actually taking and posting pictures of my hammies now that I have 3. In case you are wondering, they are all doing so well! I love cuddling with them! They all have such different personalities. Nenya is my trouble maker. She's gorgeous, but she always does whatever she wants which generally is running around trying to escape, hence this picture being awful. She refused to hold still and treats were not interesting to her when freedom was on her mind. :)

Narya is my perfect little girl! So sweet and SO photogenic! Just look at her being an awesome little model! 😍

Vilya obviously did so much better in this mini photo shoot than Nenya. He's such a fun guy who loves treats, unless he can smell a lady. Then he just licks everything and doesn't actually care to eat. 😂