
Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Photo Shoot

I love my beautiful and chubby Nenya! I affectionately call her "fatty" even though she isn't fat at all, just so fluffy! She is also quite a lot bigger than Narya, but that's because Narya is unusual small. :)

I was thoroughly impressed with how well she did for this impromptu photo shoot! This made me very excited to do more hammy photo shoots like I did with Tarcil!

I call Narya my "tiny babe" because she is so much smaller than any Syrian hamster I have seen before. Isn't she so precious?! 😍

Vilya has so much spunk and curiosity! Isn't he such a cutie?!

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Little Models

That pink nose! 😍 I love kissing Nenya's cute little face!

Why is she so perfect?! But seriously, Narya is really good at the whole being cute and holding still for pictures thing. 

Where did Vilya's ears go??! 

Oh there they are! What a cutie! :)