
Friday, June 23, 2017

Happy Hammies

I'm pretty sure Nenya could have fallen asleep like that! She was so relaxed! So cute! :)

Narya had her cheeks stuffed and it was so cute! In this picture, she was slowly slipping down in my hand, and it was the cutest thing! Hahaha! :)

Vilya actually didn't want his picture taken. He could smell the ladies and didn't want to just sit there being cute. But he is still super cute even without trying. :)

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Fruit Bowl

My princess Nenya! I tamed her by hand feeding her each night. Now, she practically demands that I continue this. I don't mind though. I like feeling her little feet as she digs through the pile of food in my hand to find only the best pieces to stuff into her cheeks. And then I love watching her run on her wheel with the fatest face. Haha!

Narya heard something and froze. Soooooo cute! I love this little girl!

Vilya is trying to figure out why I made him sit here for a picture. He would rather be held so he can sniff and lick my hands since they smell like a couple of lovely ladies. Haha!

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Couch Buddies

Nenya likes to beg. I rarely can resist such cuteness. I mean, look at her! She will always be my little spoiled princess. :) 

Narya is still just as tiny and cute as ever! I hope she never grows up, because she is my perfect, little sweetie! 

Vilya is a stud, and he knows it! Such a slick little guy. :) 

Friday, June 2, 2017

Good and Bad

Nenya is getting sooo fluffy!! She is at the point of having awkward tuffs of hair. Hahaha! 

Narya is a little sweetie! She is so fast as she runs around in her tank, but when she is being held, she is calm and moves around my hands more slowly and carefully. When I first met her, she didn't seem all that tame; she jumped right out of my hand initially. But already she showing how sweet she is! When I put her back in her tank, she immediately tries to run into my hands again. Sooo cute! 

What to say about Vilya. Well, he is SO incredibly sweet and cuddly! However, because of him, I just had my first ever, highly dreaded "hamster is lost in the couch" experience. I had a general idea of where he probably was. After poking, proding, finding him, losing him again, cutting some fabric, and undoing some stapled cardboard, I was able to get my hands on either side of him to force him to move up and out. Little stinker. My wrist is scrapped up, I found a toy that my hubby is playing with, and Vilya is safely in his cage again. So all in all, not too bad. Only about 10 minutes of slight panic. Hahaha! This picture was taken moments before his little adventure. Vilya was just sitting on my arm not moving. 

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Squishy Hams

I am dying of cuteness overload! LOOK at that fat face! Hahaha! I let Nenya fill her face and then took a picture and there wasn't much she could do about it! Hahaha! 

Narya always looks for ways to escape. I am beginning to think that the only reason she likes being held is because she knows it's the only way out of her tank. Hahaha! 

I need to learn how to be as chill as Vilya. Like seriously, he sleeps, eats, poops, and cuddles. Okay actually he can get loud as he runs on his wheel. But that's probably because he has his nest and food stash under the wheel. Hahaha!