
Monday, October 31, 2016

Samwise Gamgee

Halloween Costumes Day 14: Samwise Gamgee

Happy Halloween!  I wanted to end this series of costumes with another tribute to Tolkien!  Tarcil was Frodo last year, so he chose to be the Samwise Gamgee this year.  Sam is one of my favorite characters from the Lord of the Rings.  In fact, I named my first dog Samwise Gamgee.  He was a great dog and loyal friend to me, and I miss him so much!  Having my 3 month old puppy, Beren, does help comfort me quite a bit!  Anyways, I was seriously so pleased with Tarcil during this photo session!  He just seemed so incredibly happy!  He looks like he was smiling for the pictures!  I know I say this a lot, but I just want to say how much of a blessing Tarcil is to me!  He is seriously so sweet and it makes me sad that he is so old.  I am trying to cherish the time I have with him all the more since I know he is very old.  I feel so blessed to have had this opportunity to share my little Tarcil with you all!  :)

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Gandalf the White

Halloween Costumes Day 13: Gandalf the White

I don't ever post on Sundays, but I decided to make an exception so that I could add in a bonus Halloween Costume this year!  I assumed that last year would be my last time doing costumes with Tarcil, but he has blessed me with another chance, and I definitely wanted to make the most of it!  So I think all of you know that I am obsessed with Tolkien's work and everything related to Middle Earth!  My husband and I have started a tradition of naming our pets after characters found in Middle Earth.  This started with Tarcil, and our dog, Beren, is the continuation of that.  Tarcil LOVES dressing up as various characters from Lord of the Rings!  The first year of Halloween costumes, Tarcil represented Rohan and Gondor.  Last year, Tarcil dressed up as Frodo.  Now, he is Gandalf.  Isn't he just so cute??!?!?  :)

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Dr. Strange

Halloween Costumes Day 12: Dr. Strange

I am pretty excited to see Dr. Strange!  I have been enjoying watching the newest season of Agents of SHIELD with Ghost Rider, and I am curious to see how they are going to tie everything together!  I really enjoy the story line that Marvel is making and how they keep adding and expanding the universe of superheros.  Tarcil is just so happy that he has gotten to dress up as so many superheros this year!  He loves being the hero!  :)

Friday, October 28, 2016


Halloween Costumes Day 11: Punisher

Tarcil doesn't know who the Punisher is, and he was a little unsure about this costume.  I mean, he is clearly too sweet looking to be a vigilante.  I guess that is just part of the fun of dressing up for Halloween.  You can pretend to be someone you aren't.  :)

Thursday, October 27, 2016


Halloween Costumes Day 10: Thor

If you didn't know by now, I really like Marvel!  The movies have been so good!  Tarcil was SO excited that he got to be another superhero!  He likes pretending that he can save the world.  :)

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Halloween Costumes Day 9: BB-8

I think BB-8 was probably my favorite character of Star Wars Episode 7.  He is just so cute!!  I think the most fun part of getting this set ready was making these little star wars felt characters!  I only had time to make 2 of the 10 characters.  This kit by Aimee Ray comes with everything you need for these cuties, and you can buy it for yourself on Amazon or at Barnes and Noble!!  :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Raphael Ninja Turtle

Halloween Costumes Day 8: Raphael Ninja Turtle

This was one of the ideas I had last year, but didn't end up making it happen.  I'm glad it worked for this year!  He looks so cute!  I couldn't come up with a set for this costume, so I asked my husband.  He suggested a pizza box, which I thought was genius!  So, here is my cute little Tarcil pretending to be a ninja turtle in a greasy pizza box.  :)

Monday, October 24, 2016


Halloween Costumes Day 7: Tigger!

Tigger is my FAVORITE!  Tarcil dressed up as Winnie the Pooh last year, so I felt this year was the perfect opportunity to do Tigger!  I have been collecting Tigger stuffed animals for a while, and these are just about the only stuffed animals I saved from my childhood.  I think Tarcil did a great job of acting the part since he wouldn't stay in one place.  He was running around and trying to climb away the whole time I was taking pictures.  Haha!  :)

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Mike Wazowski

Halloween Costumes Day 6: Mike Wazowski!

In case you are wondering, I REALLY like Monsters, Inc.!  It is such a cute movie!  I just had to have Tarcil represent it.  I figured he is most like Mike with his sweet and silly personality.  :)

Friday, October 21, 2016

Angry Birds

Halloween Costumes Day 5: Angry Birds!

I really LOVE this costume and set!  I think it turned out well!  Tarcil doesn't understand why he is supposed to be so angry.  He thinks that odd looking pig might make a nice friend.  Haha!  Silly ham!  :)

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Professor Plum

Halloween Costumes Day 4: Professor Plum!

I really love the game Clue!  I grew up playing this game too!  My sister and I sometimes tried to play it by ourselves if we couldn't get any of our brothers to join us, and let me tell you, this game doesn't really work for just 2 people.  It is SO fun when you have at least 4 players!  Tarcil wanted to play this game, but I don't think he understands it.  Haha!  He looks pretty sharp in that suit though.  And when you factor in the glasses and bowtie, he is one fine looking hammy!!  Haha!  :)