
Wednesday, September 30, 2015


It's been a year since my mother in law passed away.  This past year has been very difficult for me, and maybe that is partially because I don't talk much about the pain and loss I feel.  I so badly wish I could talk to her again or even just listen to her talk.  Over this past year I have had a lot of dreams with her in them.  Some were nightmares based off of my memory of the events a year ago.  Some were so beautiful and so closely resembled a happy memory of her that when I wake up, there is a fleeting moment of joy before I remember that she is gone and the pain and loss take over again.  One of my biggest regrets is that I never told her about Tarcil and the goals I had for myself and my photography.  I bought him just 4 days before she went into the hospital.  During the next week, I just didn't think it was important enough or never found the right time, and then it was too late.  I know she hated mice, but I think she would have really enjoyed meeting Tarcil and reading about him everyday.  And I know without a doubt that she would have supported me in anything and everything because she didn't hesitate to open up her home and her family to me.  She made me feel like the daughter she never had but always wanted.  :)

She didn't like pictures of herself, and she avoided cameras which means that I don't have very many pictures of her.  But I love these pictures from my wedding day when she was dancing with my husband.  :)

I love you Paula!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

German Antiques

These German Antiques belonged to my husband's grandma.  I don't know much about them, but I think they are quite interesting.  Tarcil also likes seeing new and different things.  :)

Monday, September 28, 2015

Dinner Party for Two

Sometimes I like to make the normal, mundane parts of life more fancy and fun.  So, I got out some of our nicer place settings and made the table look super fancy for dinner tonight.  Tarcil is wondering why there are only two place settings.  I don't know how to tell him that he isn't invited to this dinner party.  Haha  :)

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Johnny Appleseed Day

Today is Johnny Appleseed Day!  This is the day we celebrate his life because this is the date of when he was born.  He was known to wear a pot for a hat so Tarcil thought he would give that a try.  Haha  :)

Friday, September 25, 2015

National Comic Book Day

Today is National Comic Book Day so get out your comic books and read them!  Or if you don't own any comic books, go buy one!  Many comic book stores are giving away free comics so check out your local stores!  Tarcil loves Superman and thought today would be a great day to read about The Man of Steel!  :)  Tarcil also wants to be Superman, so he put on his cape to practice.  :)

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Newborn Baby Props

I bought new props for newborn babies!  I can't wait to use them!  Tarcil loves exploring new things, so he pretended to be a newborn baby.  :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The After Party

Tarcil and Penny had some fun together after his party.  They mostly just relaxed together.  Partying can be hard work!  Haha  :)

Tarcil Opening Presents!

Penny enjoyed some treats at Tarcil's Birthday Party while she watched him open his presents.  Tarcil was so excited by all the goodies he got!  He is very grateful to his friends and family.  :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tarcil's Birthday Party!!

Tarcil had a WONDERFUL Birthday Party!  He especially loved his cake (which was really just banana with a carrot for a candle).  He was so pleased to have Penny join him for the fun!  He was excited to see all of the goodies and presents!  He didn't hesitate to open and taste his treats.  Make sure to check back here tomorrow to see Tarcil opening his presents!!  :)

Monday, September 21, 2015

Tarcil's 1st Birthday!!

I have officially had Tarcil for 1 year!  Since I don't know exactly when he was born, I am making this day his birthday!  I can't believe that it has already been a year!  I have had so much fun with Tarcil, and he is such a big part of our family! Tomorrow I will be posting pictures of Tarcil's Birthday Party!  :)  Happy Birthday Tarcil!! :)

Saturday, September 19, 2015

International Talk Like a Pirate Day

It's International Talk Like a Pirate Day!  Tarcil can't ever miss out on the fun, so he got himself a hat and an eye patch!  He is so cute, even as a pirate!   :)

Friday, September 18, 2015

Other Pencil Sharpeners

These are the last of the metal pencil sharpeners that I found.  This collection consists of random objects like register, camera, and scale.  Tarcil's favorite was the mini type writer.  :)

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Household Item Pencil Sharpeners

Tarcil is still enjoying playing with these metal pencil sharpeners that are little household items.  He really liked the desks that are his size.  :)